【巨型動態雕塑】中法建交五十周年作品/Long Ma
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圖片出處:http://www.cctvnews.cn/ |
【Long Ma】是法國當代藝術家 François Delarozière 與他的藝術團隊 La Machine 所製作的大型動態作品,具有馬的型態、龍的頭型,重達46公噸還能噴火。這個接近四十呎高的雕塑作品特色在於這些連結的軀幹,富有張力的臉孔,以及用煙霧與火焰所揣摩的呼吸。目前這個作品在法國境內的 Nantes 展出,將作為中法建交五十年的紀念轉贈給中國。
“Long Ma” is a 46-ton fire-breathing kinetic sculpture of a horse-dragon by French artist François Delarozière and his art group La Machine. The nearly 40-foot-tall sculpture features articulating limbs, an expressive face, and the ability to “breathe” plumes of fire and smoke. The sculpture recently debuted in Nantes, France, and is destined for China, where it will be presented as a gift to mark the upcoming 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between France and China.