2017年10月12日 星期四

薄型混凝土薄殼工法|BRG ETH Zurich 

原文新聞稿:Prof. Philippe Block
官方頁面:Block Research Group

Credit:Block Research Group

© Block Research Group, ETH Zurich / Michael Lyrenmann

Researchers from ETH Zurich have built a prototype of an ultra-thin, curved concrete roof using innovative digital design and fabrication methods. The tested novel formwork system will be used in an actual construction project for the first time next year.

蘇黎世聯邦理工學院的研究人員,設計和建造了一個使用創新設計和製造方法的超薄混凝土屋面原型。該薄殼是一個屋頂單元的局部,將會於明年建構成一個名為 HiLO 的建築單元,隸屬於 NEST 大樓的一部分(the living lab building of Empa and Eawag in Dübendorf)。完工後下方的閣樓空間將成為 Empa 的客座教職員,未來生活與工作的空間。這群研究人員由 Architecture and Structures 的 Philippe Block 教授,以及 Architecture and Building Systems 的 Arno Schlüter 教授所領導,希望將嶄新的輕量化建築結構用於實際的測試,並將它與智慧和適應性建築系統結合起來。
A prototype for an ultra-thin, sinuous concrete roof using innovative design and fabrication methods has been designed and built by researchers from the ETH Zürich. The shell is part of a roof-top apartment unit called HiLo that is planned to be built next year on the NEST, the living lab building of Empa and Eawag in Dübendorf. The penthouse will provide living and work space for guest faculty of Empa. Researchers led by Philippe Block, Professor of Architecture and Structures, and Arno Schlüter, Professor of Architecture and Building Systems, want to put the new lightweight construction to the test and combine it with intelligent and adaptive building systems.

© Block Research Group, ETH Zurich

2017年10月3日 星期二

環保的降溫裝置/印度 Ant Studio


夏日的印度氣候一直高溫不斷,在人滿為患的現今狀態下,興建大型冷卻系統的方式,既不環保,也不能有效使用能源。在這種惡劣的環境下工作,對雇員的健康將會造成損害,這個問題也存在於 Deki Electronics 位在 Uttar Pradesh 的工廠。
The temperature during the day doesn't seem to stop rising in Indian summers, and installing big air conditioning systems is uneconomical and energy inefficient for a majority of the population. Working under such heated conditions takes a toll on the health of the employees, a problem which was also faced at the factory of Deki Electronics in Uttar Pradesh.

copyright © Ant Studio

Excessive heat released from the Genset at the entrance in the external area of the factory had reduced productivity to a minimum. It was also heating up the entire driveway making the exterior envelope of the building hotter, hence reducing its efficiency and increasing air conditioning load of the building.

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