原文新聞稿:DFAB HOUSE官方頁面:Gramazio Kohler Research
官方頁面:DFAB HOUSE - Digital Fabrication and Living
官方頁面:Robotic Fabrication Laboratory(RFL)
Credit:Gramazio Kohler Research, ETH Zurich
蘇黎世聯邦理工學院的研究人員,在木架構的構築流程之中嘗試了嶄新的數位工法,這是世界上第一個機械手臂參與大型木構協作的實際案例。這些承重的木頭模組,預先由機械手臂所組裝,之後將會組立在 DFAB HOUSE 最上面的兩層空間。
Researchers from ETH Zurich are using a new method for digital timber construction in a real project for the first time. The load-bearing timber modules, which are prefabricated by robots, will be assembled on the top two floors at the DFAB HOUSE construction site.
The range of possibilities for traditional timber frame construction is
expanded by the new robotic method for digital timber construction.
(Video: NCCR Digital Fabrication)
Digitalisation has found its way into timber construction, with entire elements already being fabricated by computer-aided systems. The raw material is cut to size by the machines, but in most cases it still has to be manually assembled to create a plane frame. In the past, this fabrication process came with many geometric restrictions.