圖片來源:facebook / getAutomata
Automata Technologies 這家在英國倫敦的設計公司,成立於 2015 年一月,由 Mostafa ElSayed & Suryansh Chandra 兩位所共同設立。他們皆具有超過七年的互動設計與數位製造背景,在這樣的時空背景下開發出這一台低成本(affordable )約 $3000 - $4500美金(約九萬到十三萬五千元新台幣),與低操作門檻(accessible)的機械手臂。
由於對機械手臂的未來有著美好的憧憬,於是他們著手開發簡單好用、安全性高、造價便宜的機械裝置。而這台名為 EVA 的機械手臂,就是他們首先呈現,一台廣泛可以用於商業、興趣愛好以及教育上的產品。
About Automata
Automata Technologies was founded in January 2015 by Mostafa ElSayed & Suryansh Chandra. They have both been working at the intersection of design, technology and digital manufacturing for over 7 years and understand the challenges and opportunities this space presents.
We want to democratize robotics for the SME & consumer markets by providing affordable and easy to use robots and software. We believe robotic automation can bring a huge amount of creativity in addition to enhancing productivity to small businesses and individual users. Over the coming years, these will change the way we live and work. But first, these robots need to become a whole lot easier to use, safer to work beside, and substantially more affordable. Eva is our first product in our commitment to meet those goals, by being a low-cost, easy to use and lightweight robotic arm. We like to think of Eva as an assistant that can give you a helping hand in a variety of uses whether you're a business, hobbyist, or an educator.
EVA 的重量為 1.4KG Eva weighs in at 1.4kg, making her incredibly light and easy to deploy. |
精度誤差控制在 1mm 以內 Precision down to the single mm. |
80% 的部件都是由3D列印製成,包含外殼以及機械構件 Over 80% of Eva is 3d printed including her shell & functional, mechanical parts. |
專用控制軟體 choreoGraph
choreoGraph 是 Automata 公司專為 EVA 控制所撰寫的程式(目前還在開發階段),操作的方式就如同用手機玩憤怒鳥或是貼圖在 Instagram 般簡單!
Introducing choreoGraph
Here at Automata we really think using a robot should be a simple task. Apart from designing Eva to be friendly and lightweight, we also understand that her software has to be as intuitive and as easy to use as possible. choreoGraph (beta), our app that (literally!) choreographs Eva, is as simple as using a standard smartphone app. If you can play Angry Birds (or post a photo to Instagram) you can control your Eva!
可以透過桌上型電腦的程式、瀏覽器、智慧型手機或是平版來執行 choreoGraph 並控制 Eva
Access our choreoGraph app from anywhere! Whether you're on your desktop, browser or your smartphone / tablet you will find it easy to communicate and control Eva.
目前開發的版本包含 Rhino + Grasshopper Autodesk MAYA 以及 Processing |
想要 Eva 來操作一些新的功能,但是你沒有時間或是你不知道如何透過程式來設定她?只要開啟教學模式,抓著她並導引她,透過一次性的設定,之後的事情就交給她處理吧!
Want Eva to do something new, but don't have time or don't know how to program her yet? Just hold Eva and guide her to do what you want her to do once, and she'll take care of the rest.
瑞士的 ABB(後)與 Automata 的 Eva(前) |
Elvis(Eva的前身?)透過 GH 介面控制
影片來源:suryansh chandra
影片來源:suryansh chandra
讓 Win7 直接預覽 HDR 縮圖的程式/SageThumbs |
Sketchfab/上傳 3D 模型並在 facebook 直接翻轉檢視 |