2016年4月6日 星期三

ECAL Low-Tech Factory/搖椅織帽機

ECAL Low-Tech Factory rocking chair knits winter hats

'rocking knit' by ECAL students Damien Ludi and Colin Peillex
photo © nicolas genta
image courtesy of ECAL

這個名為 "rocking knit" 的作品,於 2012 年末展示於瑞士伯恩(Bern)的朗根塔爾(Langenthal)的設計師週末,隸屬於 ECAL 大學 Low-Tech Factory,提供該年度設計展的學生作品。設計師是 Damien Ludi 和 Colin Peillex 兩位學生,透過悠閒的擺盪,讓機器上的齒輪作動,以這種「搖擺編織」的方式,讓煩冷的寒冬多一分樂趣。

為了回應該次展出的主題,展出的學生被要求重新詮釋製造的理念,必須以一種緩慢的方式來解構產品的製造過程。這個展出的地點在 ruckstuhl 地毯工廠,其周圍適如其分的工作產線以及諸多的機械線軸,不經意的以一種有意義的方式,連接起抽象的技術與和現實的世界。

shown in the ruckstuhl building as part of ECAL's 'Low-Tech Factory' exposition during designers' saturday in Langenthal, Switzerland is 'rocking knit' – a design that makes the transition to the winter season a little less onerous. students of university of art and design lausanne damien ludi and colin peillex created a chair that will fashion its user a beanie as they leisurely rock back and forth, activating gears that put the machine to work as its sitter relaxes. the project is in response to the exhibition's theme, where students were required to reinterpret the idea of manufacture – deconstructing the fabrication process of a product to a slower, more considered pace. designers' saturday showcased the work in the ruckstuhl carpet factory, appropriately surrounding the work by spools of thread and feverish machinery, connecting concept and real-world techniques in a meaningful way.

FACETURE by Phil Cuttance

photo © Petr Krejci
photo © Petr Krejci

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