MakerBot REPLICATOR™機型操作雙色列印(下)/以 ReplicatorG 設定為例
Dual extrusion with ReplicatorG for the REPLICATOR™
MakerBot 官網上雙色列印的DEMO影片
第一步,你必須準備一個雙噴頭列印的3D模型。開啟 ReplicatorG 軟體的[Thingiverse]選單,然後選擇[Dual Extrusion models!]選項,系統將會將畫面連結到 Thingiverse 網站上,顯示出所有與雙噴頭列印[Dualstrusion]有關的模型下載頁面。[1.1]
First, you'll need to find a dual extrusion model to print. Go into ReplicatorG's "Thingiverse" menu and select "Dual Extrusion models!" It will bring you to every Thing tagged "Dualstrusion" on Thingiverse.[1.1]
[1.1]開啟ReplicatorG的雙噴頭模型下載選單 |
任何你找到的雙噴頭列印專用的模型都是由兩個.stl 檔案所組成,每一個檔案對應一個顏色或是材質。請確認你兩個檔案都有完成下載。之後,打開 ReplicatorG 軟體的[Gcode]選單,並且點取[Merge .stl for DualExtrusion]選項。[1.2]
Any dual extrusion model you find is going to be composed of two .stl files, one for each color or material. Make sure you download both. Then go to ReplicatorG's "Gcode" menu and select "Merge .stl for DualExtrusion."[1.2]
[1.2]點選[Merge .stl for DualExtrusion]選項 |
你將會看到三個區域;上面兩個部分,分別是指定所下載的兩個列印檔案給兩個噴頭,以進行後續的列印整合。這裡可以輸入稍早你所取得的 .stl 或是 Gcode 格式。最後整合的檔案將會是 Gcode 格式,請在最後選擇.gcode的格式輸出。[1.3]
You'll see three fields: one for each extruder and one to name the merged file. The fields for the two extruders will accept either .stl files or Gcode you've already generated. The merged file will be Gcode, so give it a .gcode file extension.[1.3]
[1.3]開啟之後的輸入畫面 |
請確認有勾選下面兩個選項[Use default start/end Gcode]與[Use Print-O-Matic],同時你也要確認下面這個選項[Use Raft]在兩個噴頭的設定都是沒有被勾選的![raft]目前在雙噴頭列印的狀態下成效不佳。(小編:這點我強烈質疑)當你覺得一切都設定妥當,請在兩邊視窗都按下[Generate Gcode]按鈕。
When you click "Merge" two windows will pop up -- one to generate the Gcode for each of your two component parts. These will look a lot like the Generate Gcode window you've used for single extrusion.[1.4]
Make sure to check "Use default start/end Gcode" and "Use Print-O-Matic". You'll also want to make sure that "Use Raft" is unchecked for both items -- rafts currently don't work well with DualStrusion prints. After you're sure that this looks good, click "Generate Gcode" in both windows.
[1.4]對兩個噴頭各自設定列印的參數 |
ReplicatorG 軟體將會生成兩組不同的設定並整合成一個 Gcode 的檔案。[1.5]
ReplicatorG will generate the two different sets of Gcode and then put them together. [1.5] When it's done, you'll find yourself looking at that .gcode file you came up with a name for earlier. Go ahead and print it just like you would any other generated Gcode! It's as easy as that.
[1.5]兩個噴頭的轉出將分批進行,然後整合成一個Gcode檔 |