Stratasys Color Multi-Material 3D Printing: a Sound Idea for Gemini Acoustic Chaise
延伸閱讀:DEVELOP3D Blog
MIT’s Department of Materials Science and Engineering,隸屬於 MIT MEDIA LAB,帶領這個團隊的正是當紅的 Neri Oxman 教授。這次她使用 Stratasys Objet500 Connex3 Color Multi-material 3D Printerr 搭配 44 composite PolyJet digital materials...
The 3D printed ‘skin’ combines three base materials:
- Stratasys’ rubber - like TangoPlus
- rigid VeroYellow
這個作品將在 展出
- VeroMagenta, forming varying shades of transparent and opaque yellows and oranges, in different rigidities