2013年6月10日 星期一

3D 印表機製造商 Stratasys 想要買下 Makerbot?

3D 印表機製造商 Stratasys 想要買下 Makerbot?
3D printer manufacturer Stratasys in talks to buy Makerbot?

目前掛牌的 Stratasys 公司是由原本 Stratasys 和以色列的 objet 兩家公司於 2012 年合併所成立的。在今年五月23日,Stratasys 在紐約舉行了他們自合併以來的第一次分析師和投資者日。Needham & Company 重申 Stratasys 的買入評級和 94 美元目標價 。Needham & Company 公司的分析師 James Ricchiuti 表示,目前 Stratasys 公司在尋求其他的採購案。
Stratasys Ltd was formed in 2012 by the merger of Stratasys and Israel-based Objet. On May 23, Stratasys held its first Analyst and Investor Day in New York City since the merger. Needham & Company reiterated a Buy rating and $94 price target on Stratasys. According to Needham Co. analyst James Ricchiuti, the company indicated it could pursue other acquisitions.

Ricchiuti 寫道,"如預期的,mgmt 重申 2013 年定下的指標,顯示對這兩家公司整合迄今為止的進展表示樂觀。我們可以回顧自從合併以來這是第一次,mgmt 對採購案表達興趣,雖然我們相信本公司仍將主要集中在短期內的自然成長,特別是當它開始受益于交叉銷售,並倡議聯合分銷商管道的效益。"
Ricchiuti wrote, "As expected, mgmt reaffirmed its guidance for 2013 and appeared optimistic about the progress achieved thus far in the integration of the two companies. For the first time we can recall since the merger, mgmt expressed interest in pursuing an acquisition(s), although we believe the company will still be focused primarily on driving organic growth in the near term, particularly as it begins to benefit from cross-selling initiatives of the combined reseller channels."

在昨天的TechCrunch 報導中指出,Stratasys 正計畫購買 MakerBot。Stratasys,這家工業級的 3D 印表機的製造商,尚未在快速增長的消費者市場中導入任何一個產品,而同樣戰線上的競爭對手 3D Systems 已經在2012年年初以 cube 這台 3D 印表機投入家用戰場。 
Yesterday TechCrunch reported that Stratasys is in talks to buy MakerBot. Stratasys, manufacturer of professional 3D printers, has not yet any products for the fast-growing consumer market, while its industrial-centric competitor has jumped in already in the beginning of 2012 with cube 3D printers.

上個月 Staples(世界最大的辦公室用品製造商/世界第二大的電子通路販售商)開始在一些商店中銷售 3D Systems 的 Cube,之後 Cube 也在最大的中文線上零售商 JD.com 貨架上出現。如今 Cube 的銷售已超過預期。
Last month Staples began selling 3D Systems' Cube in some stores, afterwards Cube appears on the shelves of the largest Chinese online retailer JD.com. The sales of Cube has consistently exceeded expectations.

回顧 Makerbot 今年 $5000 萬美元的收益(去年銷售額為 $1000 萬美元),Stratasys 可已在購入該公司後立即獲得受益。問題是 Stratasys 願意支付多少來購買 Makerbot 的現有產品和市場?
With Makerbot's $50 million in revenue this year, Stratasys could immediately benefit from the possible acquisition. The question is just how much Stratasys is willing to pay for Makerbot's existing products and market.

Images credit: Makerbot

如果這個採購案沒有成行,MakerBot 可能還是一個獨立的實體。根據華爾街日報 》 最近的一項報告,Makerbot 正在說服投資者將目前三億美金的市值增加 2500 萬美金。TechCrunch 證實他們也得到資訊",該公司的市值已經提高,但遠超過於那個數字。"MakerBot 成立于 2009 年,自 2009 年以來已賣出超過 20,000 台它的 3D 印表機。其網站 Thingiverse 提供超過 80,000 個 3D 模型和設計,該公司最近宣布了近期目標是發展出低成本的 3D 掃描器原型機,企圖進軍低價 3D 掃描器市場。Makerbot 展現了強勁的成長潛力,它目前可能還只是獨立對外運作。
Alternatively, MakerBot could also just be an independent entity. According to a recent WSJ report, Makerbot is in talks with investors to raise $25 million on a $300 million valuation. TechCrunch confirmed that they had also gotten the information "that the company had been raising, but at a valuation quite beyond that." MakerBot was founded in 2009, and more than 20,000 of its 3-D printers have been put to use since 2009. Its website Thingiverse features more than 80,000 3-D models and designs and the company has recently released a 3D scanner prototype aiming to enter the low-end 3D scanner market. Makerbot shows a strong growth potential and it could also just go public by itself.

Makerbot 對這項投資案不予置評。隨著 MakerBot 工廠於上週五的開幕,Makerbot 創始人和首席執行官 Bre Pettis 告訴記者說:"我就知道這會發生。我也知道不能說些什麼"。Makerbot 才剛在布魯克林成立了這間 50000 平方英尺 (4,645 平方米/約莫 1433 坪)的生產和倉庫空間,Pettis 補充說"我們不會任意位置。我們剛搬這裡。我們才剛成立了這個地方!"
Makerbot has no comment on speculation. But at the MakerBot Factory opening on Friday, Makerbot founder and CEO Bre Pettis told reporters: "I knew that was going to happen. I also knew that I couldn't say anything." Since Makerbot just opened a 50,000 square feet (4,645 sqm) of production and warehouse space in Brooklyn, Pettis added "We're not going anywhere. We just moved in here. We just opened up!".

Images credit: Makerbot

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