2013年4月4日 星期四

三位UC Berkeley的學生在校園內架設起3D printing自動販賣機Dreambox

三位UC Berkeley的學生在校園內架設起3D printing自動販賣機
First Dreambox 3D printer installed at UC Berkeley

三個UC Berkeley的學生,三月底的時候架設了Dreambox這項3D列印的服務。他們將MakerBot的Replicator改裝,並安置在校區的Etcheverry Hall大廳內。
透過網路登入與上傳的方式訂購,用戶只需要花3-15美金(新台幣100-450)就可以得到他們3D Printed的作品。列印完成後,部分將存儲在一個上鎖的抽屜,妥善保管直到你撿起來。

In early March three U.C. Berkeley students, David Pastewka, Richard Berwick and Will Drevno launched Dreambox, a 3D printing vending machine providing automated 3D printing services.
At the end of March the first Dreambox 3D printer was installed in Etcheverry Hall at UC Berkeley. This first prototype makes use of a MakerBot Replicator and students could order prints by logging onto the Dreambox website and uploading the 3D file. After submitting the payment the customer can receive an access code for a locker.
When the print is complete, the part will be stored in a locked drawer for safekeeping until you pick it up. The price range of each print is from $3 to $15. In the future the company will also add more vendors' 3D printer to ensure more materials to be used in Dreambox.

David Pastewka, Richard Berwick and Will Drevno
The Dreambox founding team met in 2011 in a mobile application development class and competition at U.C. Berkeley. Their idea was accepted into Skydeck Berkeley, an incubator-accelerator program based in Berkeley, CA, in the Fall of 2012, since then the team has been designing and prototyping its first vending machine for the U.C. Berkeley campus.

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