2013年4月19日 星期五

3D Printed 醫院裡的祈禱室/荷蘭阿姆斯特丹

3D printed Silence Room in VUmc Amsterdam offers a place of reflection and peace
3D Printed 醫院裡的祈禱室/荷蘭阿姆斯特丹

In April 2012, the Medical Center Hospital of VU University Amsterdam opened its Silence Room, a place where patients and their families can stay for going through their difficult time.

這個空間是癌症中心的一個部分,由 D/Dock,荷蘭的設計團體所操刀。如該團體的建築師 Francesco Messori 所說,這個設計的構想源自於他年輕時的義大利之旅。"小時候我常和家父一起上教堂。我們通常會待在教堂的後段,靠近唱詩班,在那裏讓我感覺到被保護、有安全感。這些正是我想要在這個設計裡達到的;一個讓你能擁抱平靜的地方。"
This space is part of Cancer Center and Day Surgical Centre previously designed by D/Dock, a Dutch design studio. According to D/Dock architect Francesco Messori, this design was inspired by his journey in Italy when he was young. "As a small child I often went with my father to church. We usually sat at the back of the church, near the choir, where I felt safe and protected. This is exactly what I wanted to achieve in this design, a place that embraces you in its serenity."

在這個祈禱室裡,自然的材料(比方石頭、木頭)被用來營造一種帶有保護與安全感的空間。在與 D-Shape 3D Printer 的發明者 Enrico Dini 先生合作後,整個團隊開始使用了 3D Printing 的技術,來生產具有石頭質感的元件。D-Shape 3D printer 以不段堆疊砂粒的方式製造出3D的物件,並利用黏合物(binding agent)來強化整體的結構。
In this Silence Room, natural materials such as stone and wood are used to give a sense of protection and security. In collaboration with Enrico Dini, inventor of D-Shape 3D printer, the team manufactured the stone items using 3D printing technology. The D-Shape 3D printer built 3D objects by placing layers of sand on top of each other and used a binding agent to hold the structure together.

透過效果燈、蠟燭、以及自然物件的陪襯,D/Dock 成功地營造出一個讓病人與摯愛都能得到慰藉的地方。"那是一個極度需要思考的空間,在開幕前看到人們心存感激地使用它。它提供醫院日常生活裡,喧囂和熱鬧間的喘息。" said Janette Delver from Pastoral and Spiritual Care.
Using effect of light, candles, natural products, D/Dock succeeded in creating a place for solace and reflection for both the patient and their loved ones, regardless of religion and background. "There was a great need for contemplation space." said Janette Delver from Pastoral and Spiritual Care. "Even before the opening I saw people using it gratefully. It offers a respite from the hustle and bustle of daily life in hospital."

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