2013年6月2日 星期日

3D printed XYZ shoes by earl stewart

earl stewart 設計的 3D 列印鞋/XYZ shoe project 
3D printed XYZ shoes by earl stewart

earl stewart 發明了一種基於快速成型的技術,適用於人身部件的製作方法,比如腳上穿的鞋子,可以為你量身訂做。在他的 'XYZ shoe project' 裡,他使用了精準的 3D 掃描技術去製作一雙雙客製化的鞋子。stewart 在這個專案裡與一個腳科醫生一起工作,希望能夠針對適戴性、穩定性、腳的對稱性等特點,來加強生物力學上的效益,做出一雙雙更懂得腳的鞋子。每一雙鞋子都是基於測量者的腳去設計,目的是要確保完全的合適。這些設計好的資料之後會被運算成一個無縫接合的物件,然後傳送到複合材料的 3D 列印機,並製作出一個由不同媒介組合出的最佳化產品。
earl stewart investigates the utilization of rapid manufacturing techniques as a means of catering to all aspects of an individual, including what is on their feet. his 'XYZ shoe project' uses accurate 3D scanning in order to make a personalized pair of shoes. stewart worked together with a podiatrist to understand and enhance the biomechanical performance for the wearer, improving and offering maximum comfort, stability and foot alignment. each one is designed from 3D scans of the individual's foot to ensure the right fit. the results are then sent to a multi material 3D printer which translates the scans into a seamless object, made from a composition of different mediums that offer flexibility and support.
這雙鞋是依照每個人的腳型去 3D 掃描之後,客製化的鞋款
the shoes are customised for the individual their form based on scans
 from their feet

flex test

final composition

每雙 3D 列印的鞋子紋理都是師法自然
the 3D printed shoe draws its aesthetic from nature

close up

the shoe is flexible and moulds to the wearer's foot

反覆的 3D 列印
3D printed iterations

break down of the shoe's assembly

採用的 3D 掃描(右)與列印(左)技術
the technologies employed are 3D scanning and printing

merging the technological with the biological

n. 腳病醫生
【醫】 [手]足醫

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