2012年12月7日 星期五

Parrish Art Museum by Herzog & de Meuron

designboom oct 03, 2012  image © jeff cully
designboom nov 15, 2012 image © matthu placek

Parrish Art Museum by Herzog & de Meuron

在 Sandy 颶風侵襲之後毫髮無傷、成功的存留下來;眾人期待、計劃已久,由瑞士的建築實建者 Herzog & de Meuron 所設計的 Parrish Art Museum,將於11月10日對外開放。這座落在長島(Long Island)東部南方的建築物,將是長島一百年來第一個美術館。它依偎在這四方形基地的對角線上,由鋼和木頭所構成的框架成就這個內斂的設計,並組成寬29米、長187米的建築空間;在追求光線品質的同時,他們將34,400平方英呎的廣闊空間,賦予展場空間的定義和個性。敞開七道天窗的藝廊區共佔地7,600平方英呎,將置放Parrish的收藏。在基地上採取南北座向(建物為東西向,以滿足南北向最大採光)的設計,是以天光的效果為優先考量,來主導著整個設計案。如此一來可以避免東西向的間接光照射到藝術作品,也同時讓類似農舍/倉庫原型的建築,融入在周遭天然的農業環境中。

museum walkthrough video © jeff cully

24,000平方英呎的多功能室,將做為電影、演講、現場表演、研討會、宴會以及招待會。在入口大廳旁的咖啡廳可以對外開啟連接露臺,做為戶外用餐以及假日或是工作坊時的使用。這個建築作為長島東部的文化中心,公共設施的部分添加了一些便利的元素。居民目前可以透過用30美金買到一棵樹的方式,來支持這些以培養和維護自然環境為主軸的活動。過去115 年歷史裡從未展出的永久館藏,部分將會頭一次在特殊的裝置空間中展出。

開幕後的首次展覽 "malcolm morley: on paper" 將會展出紐約藝術家的畫作,並且展示作畫的過程、以紙為媒界的變遷,以及相關技術的演進等相關內容。

project info:  
cost: 26 million usd
site area: 601,000sqft / 56,000sqm
building footprint: 34,400 sq ft
building dimensions: length 615 ft, width 95ft, height 32ft
gross floor area: 50,300 sq ft / 4,673 m2

lighting engineer: arup lighting, new york, usa / london, uk
geotechnical consultant: langan, new york, ny, usa
security consultant: ducibella venter & santore, north haven, ct, usa
fire protection: chevally enterprises, ronkonkoma, ny, usa
concrete consultant: reginald d. hough, rhinebeck, usa

design: herzog & de meuron, basel, switzerland
furniture design: kgid, konstantin grcic industrial design, munich, germany
executive architect: douglas moyer architect pc, sag harbor, ny, usa
mechanical engineering: buro happold, new york, usa
landscape design: reed hildebrand
landscape architect: reed hilderbrand landscape architecture, watertown, usa
civil/ environmental engineer: nelson & pope engineers & surveyors, melville, usa
environmental engineer: nelson, pope & voorhis llc, melville, usa

cast concrete bench is integrated into the long facade

image © matthu placek

exterior is comprised of a pre-cast concrete facade, bench and metal roof with skylights

image © matthu placek

延伸的框架結構 extruded frame structure
image © matthu placek

兩相並列的農舍形體 two joined farm-typologies
image © matthu placek

image © matthu placek

long concrete shear wall helps with lateral support

image © matthu placek

image © matthu placek

voids in the structure create entries and courtyards

image © jeff cully

concrete bench detail, integrated into the exterior wall

image © jeff cully

hybrid wood and metal structure

image © matthu placek

image © jeff cully

large spill-out space allows the user to gaze over the natural rural landscape

image © jeff cully

image © matthu placek

室內的自然採光 naturally illuminated interiorimage © matthu placek

image © matthu placek

image © matthu placek

small lights accentuate the structural components

image © jeff cully

image © matthu placek

戶外挑空 open air courtyard
image © matthu placek

燈光下的結構 illuminated structure
image © jeff cully

燈光下的混凝土牆與夜景 illuminated concrete wall at night
image © jeff cully

長向立面 longitudinal elevation
image © matthu placek

空照圖 aerial view
image © jeff cully

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