2013年3月22日 星期五

MakerBot REPLICATOR™機型操作雙色列印(上)/列印前的噴頭設定說明

MakerBot REPLICATOR™機型操作雙色列印(上)/列印前的噴頭設定說明

所有的新Replicator 雙噴頭機器在離開工廠之前,都會跑過一輪的噴嘴校正指令,但是假設你發現機器並沒有校正到對的位置,可以在家自己操作一遍。要啟動噴嘴校正的指令列,打開機身操作面板,依照[Utilities]>[Calibrate Nozzles]選項順序,你將會看到[1.1]的畫面。
All new Replicators run through this nozzle alignment script before leaving the factory, but if you notice that your Replicator's nozzle alignment is off, you can always run it again at home. To start the nozzle calibration script, go to The Replicator's Utilities menu and select “Calibrate Nozzles.” You will see the screen shown in [1.1].


Replicator 在暖機之後,會開始列印一系列的直線,這部分會佔用一些等待的時間。當機器開始運作,你將會看到它從工作平台的左前方開始,列印一條條平行於你視線的直線,一直到平台的左後方。完成之後,第二個系列將是垂直於第一個系列的直線,由平台的中間往右側列印。這樣是一個噴頭完整的校正列印模組,之後第二個噴頭會開始在這些線條旁邊,列印類似的模組。每一排都會有13條線條,其中第一條物件的長度會略超過剩下的線段。當一切都列印完成,你會看到類似[1.2]的畫面。
The Replicator won't start printing those lines until it's warmed up, which might take a while. When it does start, you'll see it print a series of straight lines parallel to the front of the build platform, starting at the front left corner of the platform and extending back. The second series of lines will be perpendicular to these, and will start at the center of the platform and extend left. Then the second nozzle will print a set of lines alongside each of the first two sets. All four sets will have 13 lines, with the first line being longer than the others. When it's done it should look something like what you see in image [1.2].


Now the LCD Interface will give you some new instructions. [1.3] - [1.4]

[1.4]編號 1 號是相對長度較長的那個
Y 軸的校對是在左側而 X 軸的校對要看右側

If you look closely at the paired sets of lines, you'll see that the first lines in the second set are a tiny bit in front of those in the first set, while the last lines are a tiny bit behind. Somewhere you'll find a line from the first set and a line from the second set that match up almost perfectly; that's what you're looking for. 

這裡你將要告訴 Replicator 系統,哪一組編號是最速配的。[1.5]最長的那條是編號 1 號,最中間那條是編號七號,這些是預設的。因此,如果你在尋找加熱板左邊的組合,而且你發現最中間那組的前面一組,有最合適的配對>按下按鈕的中間鍵,設定Y軸的第六對是校正後的最佳結果。當你設定完之後,按下中間鍵已表示確定完成。Replicator 會記錄下這些校正後的結果,並將這些校正後正確的結果,延用到之後的雙噴頭列印上。(小編:斷電之後這些設定並不會消失!)
Here you'll tell The Replicator which lines matched up best. [1.5] The longer first line is line 1. The middle one is line 7, which is the default. So if, say, you're looking at the set of lines on the left side of the platform and you decide that the line just before the middle one is the best, press the center button and then use The Replicator's arrow buttons to tell it that the best Y-axis line is 6. When you've selected a number for each axis, press the center button to finish. The Replicator will remember these settings and carry them forward to make sure that the nozzles are aligned correctly for future DualStrusion prints.

[1.5]輸入 X / Y 軸校正序列中,最速配的線組

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